About Coll-Oya
Coll-Oya is an international project funded by the “Erasmus+ KA220 Cooperation Partnerships in Adult Education” program. Coll-Oya is the acronym for “Older Adults Learning English and Digital Literacy in Collaboration with Young Adults”.
The project encourages the active participation of older adults in the digital world and supports their social inclusion by teaching them English with content-based instruction methodology (based on practical examples of international situations while using digital technologies, like sending a document, finding ways, ordering a meal, online shopping, booking a flight/train ticket, etc.). The knowledge they gain is believed to help them in daily life experiences.
One of the original aspects of this project is that it brings two generations together. While one generation, young adults, is digital natives who actively use the digital facilities and are familiar with the language of the digital world with a good command of English as well, the second generation, older adults, is composed of older adults who are still active in life, have limited knowledge of the language and digital skills and thus experience difficulties in catching up with the innovations of the new digitalized world.
Target Group
– Teachers/staff who teach foreign languages and/or digital skills to older adults.
– Older adults (56 years and older) with low English proficiency and also with an interest in learning languages through collaboration with young adults
– Older adults who have little or no knowledge of ICT and need to extend their technological knowledge and digital literacy.

Main Activities
An interactive PDF textbook adapted to the learning needs and characteristics of older adults for learning English will be developed and complemented with the use of an Online Learning Management System teaching digital literacy as well.
The project products will be as follows:
The megatrend of ageing – long lives to 100 as a matter of course and more old than young in all societies as they modernize- is one of the powerful global trends jointly with the technology raise of our 21st century. As today’s one billion older adults over 60 will double to two billion in the next three decades, it becomes evident that ageing in a digital world can turn the paradigm of vulnerable into valuable.
Information and Communication Technologies- ICTs, if built with the digital accessibility requirements and universal design in mind can make a fundamental difference in creating accessible, inclusive and age friendly digital environments and communities. ICT can further enable all of us to live a healthy and active later life, participate and make longer socio-economic contributions to the society, and thus empower all of us to live our lives to the full.
- Online Learning Management System
- English textbook for Older Adults
- 3 Collaborative Learning Practices / Training Material
- Manual for Trainers
- Teaching Trainers
- Pocket Handbook for Older Adults
ATU - Science and Technology University
- nturgut@atu.edu.tr
- + 90 322 455 00 00 - 4066
- Balcalı Mah. Güney Kampüs 01250 10 Sokak No:10 Sarıçam/Adana
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Main Activities
An interactive PDF textbook adapted to the learning needs and characteristics of older adults for learning English will be developed and complemented with the use of an Online Learning Management System teaching digital literacy as well.
The project products will be as follows:
- Online Learning Management System
- English textbook for Older Adults
- 3 Collaborative Learning Practices / Training Material
- Manual for Trainers
- Teaching Trainers
- Pocket Handbook for Older Adults