"Research and Innovation in Education Institute" [INBIE]
Foundation “Research and Innovation in Education Institute” [INBIE] is a NGO Institution situated in Czestochowa – Poland, founded in 2014. INBIE promote equal educational opportunities to all social groups, and fight against social exclusion and support adult people at risk of marginalization. INBIE cooperate closely with formal and non-formal educational Institutions, local authorities, and Czestochowa Centre of Non-Governmental Organizations. The foundation staff work in an unpaid staff basis and its 10 members, are divided in two departments: Administration [financemarketing- volunteers] and education [researchers-educators-publishing]. All activities carried out by the foundation are supervised by the members of board and the foundation scientific council that reports each six months about activities developed and implemented by the foundation.
The quality system used has been developed by the scientific council and accepted by the members of board of INBIE. The target group are adults from 50+ years willing to develop new skills and competences that allows them to re-join the work race and search for better life chances. The foundation achieves its objectives through:
- Research in the field of science, Non-formal education, art, protection of cultural heritage and traditions, care and social assistance.
- Supporting the development of local communities, NGOs and other institutions operating for the public good in various fields of social life (education, science, culture, information technology, environment, entrepreneurship, social asistance and charity).
- Conducting and supporting information and education activities in the field of civil society development and the development of science, including the provision of training and advice.
- Organisation of meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, debates, fairs, courses, exhibitions, study visits. 5. Collection of data and information and conducting research on social activity and participation of citizens in public life and dissemination of the results and conclusions of these studies.
- Establishing cooperation with local and foreign institutions, whose activities are conducted in a similar range.
- Running a publishing to implement our statutory objectives: analysis, evaluation, publication and dissemination of the results obtained from research.
INBIE emphasis on collaborative learning methods [workshops – discussion groups – job shadowing] and online [wiki platforms and web-based applications]. INBIE has experience in Teaching foreign languages – specially English and Spanish – to adults, Coaching and Information and communication technology applied to Education and workplace. INBIE staff has experts in Mentoring, work shadowing and ICT that publish reports in EPALE, researchgate, Zenodo and INBIE publishing house [Our publications are available online and free of change at www.inbie.pl]. Staff from INBIE are researchers and trainers from the local community and educational institutions from Silesia region with a common objective: to improve adult people’s social and professional life, creating new opportunities to fight against unemployment and social exclusion. INBIE conduct language courses for adult people free of charge. INBIE helps adults people to find a place in society: to take initiatives, to experiment actions that increase their sense of responsibility of citizenship and active participation in building up the society. INBIE offers them a space of possibilities, through what they can develop their autonomy, their identity and involvement in it. One of the main aims of INBIE is fighting against social exclusion, poverty, social inequality, as well as protecting the natural and social environment, thus contributing to the endeavours of civil society towards social prosperity and sustainability. INBIE has experience in the implementation and dissemination of KA1 training activities and KA2 ERASMUS+ for Adults. Key persons involved in the project are language teachers, specialists on Coaching, ICT applied to Business and Education, Social inclusion and Culture.