Kick-off Meeting

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Kick-off Meeting

The Kick-off Meeting is an integral part of the transnational project “Older Adults Learning English and Digital Literacy in Collaboration with Young Adults” ‘2022-1-TR01-KA220-ADU-000088953’ Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Due to the earthquakes in Turkey, the kick-off meeting was scheduled to take place in Ankara, Türkiye, on May 5th 2023, and was organised by Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University and with the joined effort of Saricam Public Education Center (Turkey); Instytut Badan i Innowacji w Edukacji (Poland) and DomSpain(Spain).

The Kick-off Meeting was hosted by the project’s coordinator organisation Adana AT Science and Technology University in Turkey, at the Anemon Hotel, which is located near Kızılay in Ankara.

The Objectives of the Kick-off Meeting:

The main objective of the Kick-off Meeting is to create space for the representatives of each partner organisation to introduce themselves and their organisations as well as to present the detailed plan of the project and the responsibilities of each partner organisation.

Here are some of the elements of the Kick-Off Meeting Agenda:

–  Presenting the detailed plan of the project to the partners

–  Presenting the Gantt Chart of the project

–  Presenting the roles and responsibilities of each partner organisation.

–  Discussion of the budget and management requirements

–  Presenting the Need Analysis Reports

–  Discussion of the Communication, Quality and Risk Management plans

–  Presentation of the Project Website

–  Discussion of the following steps and timelines in the project

The list of the representatives of the project’s partner organisations is as below:

Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University:

Duygu İşpınar Akçayoğlu

Ömer Özer

Necmi Turgut

Saricam Public Education Center:

Alpaslan Akıllı

Yeliz Nur Akarçay


Ana Isabel, Herranz Zentarski

María Elena, Chapa de la Peña

Instytut Badan i Innowacji w Edukacji (Poland)

Renata Ochoa-Daderska

Luis Ochoa Siguencia