Adana Final Meeting

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Final Meeting

📅 Date: September 24, 2024

📍 Location: Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Adana, Türkiye

The final transnational project meeting for the COLL-OYA Project was successfully held in Adana, Türkiye, hosted at Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University. The meeting brought together project partners from ATU, SHEM, INBIE and DomSpain, who gathered to evaluate the project’s progress, discuss outcomes, and ensure sustainability beyond the project’s official duration.

The day began with the registration of participants, followed by a welcome speech and the formal adoption of the agenda. The first session reviewed the implementation process, including:

🔹 WP1 – Project Management

🔹 WP2 – Online Learning Management System & English Textbook for Older Adults

🔹 WP3 – Collaborative Learning Materials, Training Manual for Trainers, Pocket Handbook for Older Adults

The next session focused on quality assurance and evaluation, where partners assessed the project’s impact, reviewed indicators, and discussed the effectiveness of the collaboration. After a short coffee break, discussions shifted to dissemination and exploitation, emphasizing the importance of visibility through multiplier events, workshops, and third-party promotions.

In the afternoon, the management session addressed financial reporting, document collection, and the sustainability plan to ensure long-term impact. A dedicated session on upcoming activities and deadlines provided clarity on remaining tasks and responsibilities. Partners also engaged in a collaborative discussion on future challenges and solutions for sustaining project outcomes.

The meeting concluded with a Q&A session, a satisfaction survey, and closing remarks. Following the formal agenda, partners had the opportunity to explore Adana’s rich cultural heritage through a guided visit.

The day ended with a social dinner where partners celebrated the successful completion of the project and reflected on the achievements of the COLL-OYA Project.